Benefits of 5-MTHF in Hypo-Fertile Couples with MTHFR SNPs: A Retrospective Case Series

For the past seven years, routine practice in this study has involved testing hypo-fertile patients for circulating homocysteine (Hcy) levels and two primary MTHFR gene mutations (677C > T and 1298A > C), both of which are known to impact folate metabolism.
Couples with these mutations could receive either FA or 5-MTHF as part of their treatment. After successful pregnancies and live births, the health of the offspring from both treatment groups was monitored from ages 2 to 6 years.
The results showed a marked difference in the health outcomes between the two groups. In the FA-treated group, there were cases of autism spectrum disorder, elevated circulating homocysteine levels, and one case of oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, a condition associated with DNA methylation abnormalities. In contrast, no pathologies were observed in the children from the 5-MTHF-treated group.
The study concluded that treatment with 5-MTHF, such as Quatrefolic®, is safe and effective, providing important benefits for both male and female fertility.
It highlights the importance of using 5-MTHF to support proper methylation during oocyte maturation and pregnancy. This reduces the risk of metabolic disorders in offspring linked to elevated homocysteine. This approach offers a promising strategy for improving the health of future generations and preventing diseases related to folate metabolism disruption.
Quatrefolic® normalizes Homocysteine levels and improves women’s and babies’ health.